
Email Integration with SendGrid

This boilerplate project includes SendGrid pre-installed, allowing you to easily send emails to your customers. Follow these steps to set up and use SendGrid in your application.

Getting Started

Step 1: Create a SendGrid Account

First, create an account on SendGrid (opens in a new tab).

Step 2: Add Your SendGrid API Key

Set up your SendGrid API key by adding it to your environment variables:


Step 3: Create an Email Template on SendGrid

Create an email template on SendGrid to use for sending emails. Here is an example screenshot of a template creation process:

SendGrid Email Template

Step 4: Use the sendEmail Function to Send Emails

You can now use the sendEmail function to send emails anywhere in your server. Below is an example of how to send an email when someone likes a post.

import { sendEmail } from "../service/mailing-service";
    likePost: protectedProcedure
          post_id: z.string(),
      .mutation(async (opts) => {
        const postCreator = await getPostCreator(opts.input.post_id); // Assuming you have a function to get post creator details
          to: postCreator.email,
          from: "noreply@yourdomain.com",
          subject: "Someone liked your post",
          templateId: "your-sendgrid-template-id",
          templateData: {
            post_id: opts.input.post_id,
        return {};


By following these steps, you can easily integrate SendGrid into your project to send emails. Create an account, set up your API key, design email templates, and use the sendEmail function to communicate with your users effectively.